Sunday, February 13, 2005

Just thinking

I want to encourage all of you out there to keep on reading the Bible and thinking. Dispute what the worldlings think Christians are the best thinkers out there if they are truly in touch with God and obedient to His Word. I want to include some other authors for a variety in reading: C. S. Lewis and Ravi Zacharias. These men prove that one doesn't have to check their brains at the door when they become a Christian. I have put a link on my blog (with help from my son) to help you find Ravi. At his site, for RZIM, you can find many of his books available and other short essays for daily reading in areas of apologetics that help you in witnessing. Once again I will warn that these are just men and their 'opinions' are not on the level of scripture, so use the Word of God to qualify what you read. Ravi also is fond of C.S. Lewis and refers to his writings often. There are also recordings of Ravi's available through the site as well. There is another link for use if you chose. This link is to a site on Anabaptism that will explain the doctrines of the church wherein I worship. This is if you want to know, it is up to you. This blog is mainly conserned with the understanding of God's Word, the Bible, however, the site has a lot of information on Christian living available. As you read keep your Bible open and 'see if these things are true'.

We have been having a week of revival meetings at our church this week and there have been several people responding to the messages. I rejoice that the Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is powerful in helping us to escape the sins in our life and enabling us to live a holy life in honor of the sacrifice that was made by Jesus on the cross.

I request your prayers for me as I continue this blog in witnessing for Christ and the Kingdom of God. I feel that it is an awesome responsibility and acknowledge that it is helping me to see the truth as I study the Word with you. I hope to post some short essays in the future for your consideration on various subjects. This is to promote thought and discussion on Christian living in a world that is alien to us spiritually. Keep on praying, reading, and sharing what you learn with your friends and acquaintances. Remember, do not argue about scripture with others, share it; if they reject it, then it is on their conscience and God's Spirit will deal with them. You pray for them; Christianity has had its detractors for over two thousand years and it is still here and a viable power in the life of man. God has promised that His Word will not return to Him without increase in the harvest of souls. You witness; God does the saving!

May God be with all true seekers and believers as they search the Word and witness of the Word, the gospel of Christ. Yours in Christ, Truthseeker.